
Marapets staff are all volunteers selected to help on the site by Ian (the site owner and creator). Nobody asks to be staff, you can't apply to be staff and no staff member gets paid. The site artists, however, do get paid.

Please be aware that many of the staff members use different usernames. If you see an unfamiliar username with a staff icon it's a staff member using a different username.

There are two different staff categories: Admins and Managers.

Lin, Hunnie and Tisha
They have a lot of responsibilities including answering support tickets, banning members who break the site rules, returning stolen items to their owners and much more. Please DO NOT contact any Admin for help unless it is an emergency. If you have a question that can't be answered in the forums, please submit a Support Ticket by clicking the "Contact Us" link found at the bottom of every Marapets page.

They do all the same things the Admins do plus they support the site owner with various other tasks. They are also responsible for the site in the owner's absence. Please DO NOT contact any Management for help unless it is an emergency. If you have a question that can't be answered in the forums, please submit a Support Ticket.

Ian is the site owner. You should never contact Ian. If you have a problem that can't be resolved through forums or staff, please submit a Support Ticket. If you want to suggest something, please use the Editorial. All Editorial suggestions go directly to Ian.