Graphic Artist. Cat Person. Singer. Geek.
Despite the fact the internet is full of cat pictures, some people actually like looking at mine. Alas, this page was created. Over the years I've been owned by many different cats so this page might get kinda long. It's okay because, you know... CATS!

1993 - 2009

Brie was the first cat who ever owned me. When my former neighbor dropped her on my doorstep she was only 6 weeks old. I still considered myself a dog person but agreed to take care of her until I could find her a furever home. However, within days I was smitten and decided to keep her. Through the years she was my confidant and best friend. She was also a surrogate mother to Buddy and Buster. Whenever anyone came through the front door she was always the first to greet them.

1993 - 2005

I adopted Blossom from a local shelter when she was 7 months old. I was walking around looking at all the available kitties when I noticed this orange paw sticking out of a cage all the way at the end of the row. It was almost as if Blossom were telling me, "Hi Mama! I'm over here!" She was such a sweet kitty and loved to watch TV with me while sitting on my lap.

1994 - 2010

Buddy and his brother Buster came to live with me when they were about 6 weeks old. They immediately bonded with Brie who "mothered" them both. The three of them were inseperable. Buddy loved chasing the red laser dot and would play for hours. He also loved to head butt my friends.

1994 - 2005

Buster and his brother Buddy were the last 2 kittens in a litter a friend's cat had. She needed to find homes for them so I took them in with the intention of finding a home for them. Yeah, that never happened. Buster loved to run around the house talking to the walls and then running away. He was one of the sweetest cats I ever met and never hissed at anyone or anything.

1999 - 2014

My sister found Flash in a dumpster while on her way to work one day. He was about 2 months old but was so tiny he looked like a bobblehead with a big head and a tiny body. He spent the first year of his life running around the house so quickly my sister named him Flash. Eventually he became Flashpuppy because of his big, puppy dog eyes. I nicknamed him Velcro because he was always right next to me and was happiest in my lap.

1999 - 2015

I adopted Destiny from my sister when she moved to Japan. She was such a sweet, goofy kitty and loved to perch herself on a shelf right next to my computer. She also had her own "woobie" i.e. a long black ribbon that she carried around from room to room. Destiny was the mothering type and was often found cleaning the younger kitties. She was my sweet little baby girl.

2001 - 2015

Noel was about 7 months old when some idiot pulled alongside our busy road, stopped his van and threw her out by her tail! It was a week before Christmas so I named her Noel and brought her inside. From the first day she acted like she had been there all along and quickly settled in. She loved to "make biscuits" (knead) and often stole my pillow while I slept.

1999 - 2014

Frasier and his brother Freddie came to me in 2010 when my friend passed away. He was always a little skittish but so full of love. He would always greet me at the door when I came in. Frasier was a beautiful longhair but hated getting brushed. He was always so sweet and docile unless we were trying to groom him. Then he turned into a little fighter! Still he was a sweet boy and "mrrowed".

2002 - 2019

Unlike his brother Frasier, Freddie loved getting brushed and groomed. He loved to make biscuits and was my snuggle buddy at bedtime. He was originally a little terror but he mellowed out during the last years of his life. He had a love for chewing cellophane and plastic bags so I was constantly having to pull him out of the trash!

2014 -

Skittles McDoodlePants wandered into our neighborhood when she was about 4 months old. My neighbor's son found her and asked me to take care of her. For the first couple years she woke me up every day promptly at 7am but is much more forgiving these days. She loves playing with Nolan and Leroy and goes nuts when I break out the red laser dot. Skittles loves to meow loudly at me while walking in front of me. She'll abruptly stop and roll on her back just to try to trip me up. She's an utter goofball but so pretty.

2014 -

I often call Nolan "Flash 2.0" as he's just as clingy as Flash was and even more spoiled rotten. Nolan loves chasing after Skittles and Leroy and playing with the red laser dot. He often jumps up on my desk and crawls into my arms regardless of whether or not I'm prepared to hold him. Nolan is another snuggle buddy and always sleeps right next to me.

2003 - 2018

Abi was one of my foster cats. She and her brother Leroy came to me when their previous owner fell on hard times and was unable to care for them. She was my chunky monkey and loved to squeak at me when her water bowls weren't cold enough. Actually, she just loved to squeak at me. She's the one cat who always used the cat beds I put all over the house. Abi was a quirky, beautiful girl who crossed over the Rainbow Bridge in February, 2018.

2014 -

Leroy was my lovebug. He was another foster cat who stayed here for 2 1/2 years before his owner took him back. Leroy loved making biscuits and was a big snuggler. When it was time for bed he could be found right by my side where he stayed until morning. I miss him very much.

Buddy, Brie, Buster, Blossom

Buddy and Buster

Brie, Buster and Buddy

Flash and Destiny

Buddy and Brie