The Lost Socks Club


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Visit The Land of Lost Socks club at Marapets


July 21, 2024

A new Word Search puzzle is up with the answers to last May's (what?!) Word Search. We're working on getting things updated now that clubs have been fixed. Please feel free to pitch in with your ideas, suggestions and/or help.

May 3, 2023

A new Weekly Raffle has started! This week's prize is an Apple Caramel Cupcake so be sure to enter! We also promoted teenqueen1048 to staff - feel free to contact her with any questions/suggestions you may have. There's also a new poll to select a name for our club mascot - please see the Polls page for more info.

April 27, 2023

Games and activities that require an MP donation have been switched to club purchases instead. We added 5 items in the club shop and priced them in increments equal to the MP donations needed for specific games and activities. When buying them, please buy the highest denomination possible for whatever game/activity you're paying for. This will keep us from running out of items. For example, if you want to buy seven tickets for the Weekly Raffle, you should buy one Tanning Salon Ticket and two Lush Lake tickets. Each game/activity will have more details. Items are priced as follows:

  • 5,000 MP - Yuni Brows Coupon Buy one of these each time you play Guess The Sock or spin the Money Wheel.
  • 10,000 MP - Lush Lake Ticket Buy one of these for each Weekly Raffle ticket up to four.
  • 50,000 MP - Tanning Salon Ticket Buy one of these for five Weekly Raffle tickets or one LE Pet Raffle ticket.
  • 100,000 MP - Circus Ticket Buy one of these for ten Weekly Raffle tickets or two LE Pet Raffle tickets.
  • 500,000 MP - Tyras Buy one of these for 10 LE Pet Raffle tickets.

We realize this can all be confusing so please feel free to reach out to Tisha, Neko or teenqueen1048 for help.

Our club mascot still needs a name! =)

April 19, 2023

We just discovered you can no longer donate MP to the club as that's also broken. We're trying to figure out a way around it so if you have any ideas please let us know. Someone suggested donating items worth the same amount of MP needed for whatever game/activity you want to do. What do you think?

We also still need name suggestions for our club mascot!

April 4, 2023

We have a new event! It's a Pet Giveaway for a Light Fairy Dakota. See our Events page for more info.

April 1, 2023

We have officially re-opened! The following have started: Guess The Sock, Stuff in a Jar, Money Wheel, Auctions, LE Pet Raffle, MOTM, FOTM and we have a Word Search, Crossword Puzzle and Word Scrambles tossed in just for fun.

We do still need volunteers for the Weekly Club Quest Challenge and Weekly Raffle and we're still looking for some non-US players to help with auctions.

Also, our club mascot needs a name! It's the sock-looking Toy Poera in the banner. Please submit your suggestions to Tisha and we'll vote here when we get enough names. You may submit more than one suggestion so go nuts! =D

We just added a new game Monthly Memory Game - check it out!

March 26, 2023

We're a week away from our official "re-opening"! We need volunteers for the following:

Details for each are on the corresponding page. If you're interested in helping out, please contact Tisha.

We also need name suggestions for our Club Mascot (the Toy Poera). You can mail your ideas to Tisha.

March 18, 2023

A lot of the activities and games will hopefully start on April 1st. We still need volunteers - please contact Tisha if you're interested.

March 9, 2023

Our website is slowly but surely coming together. We really need some volunteers to run activites, games and even any events you may think of and our new mascot needs a name. We'll send out a newsletter soon but feel free to contact Tisha if you're interested in helping or if you have any ideas/suggestions/questions.