The Lost Socks Club


· News
· Games
· Activities
· Events
· Rules
· Ranks
· Lending
· Nicknames
· Birthdays
· Siggies
· Club Help
· Ask The Mascot

Visit The Land of Lost Socks club at Marapets

Club Help

New to clubs? Joining one after years? Unsure of how a particular feature works? No sweat! We have assembled a brief guide about the Land of Lost Socks Club!

  1. News - this link shows the latest updates and new announcements regarding the Land of Lost Socks Club only!

  2. Games - run BY Lost Sock Club Members FOR Lost Sock Club Members!

  3. Activities - a ton of things for Lost Sock Clubs Members exclusively such as Weekly Club Challenge, Auctions, Raffles, FOTM etc!

  4. Events - whenever we have an event like something seasonal or even a club war, it will be listed here.

  5. Polls - the club poll feature is broken so all polls will be listed here.

  6. Rules - rules of the club. Please read over these carefully to make sure you don't break them. =)

  7. Ranks - there are 4 ranks (not including staff). You can level up by earning points for doing things like donating and club chat posts. The points system is also listed here. Please Note: Club ranks are also currently broken and we can't advance anyone. =(

  8. Lending - Lost Socks believe in helping each other out! If you need to borrow a pet or a minipet for an avatar or goal, head over to the Lending page!

  9. Nicknames & Birthdays - lists of club members' nicknames and birthdays.

  10. Swaps - all clubs have the swap feature. At the top of the main club page is a button labeled "Swaps". Here you can find Crystals, Diamonds, Photos and Plates where you can swap for another of the same item! For example, if the gym is asking you for some crystals that you don't have, you can check out the swaps section and put in the ones you have for the ones you need.

  11. Donations - to contribute with something tangible, you can donate MP/Items to the club!

    • MP Donations: On the extreme top right hand side of the main club page (on the line that states "The Land of Lost Socks") is a 'Donate' button! You can enter the amount of MP you'd like to donate to the club and it will add that to the club. Please note that the MP is used only for club activities and is not accessible by anyone except Tisha.

    • Item Donations: If you wish to donate an item to the club, go to your inventory (make sure item that you want to donate is there), underneath the item there should be an option that says "Club", clicking this will donate to the club. Please note that there is also "Donate" button underneath the items and this automatically donates it to the Pot of Gold and not to the club, so make sure you are clicking the right button!

    • Game Donations: Also note that some activities/games/features may require you to make a donation before using them, please read the rules of each activity/game that you want to take part in.

    • Photos and Plates: All Photos/Plates go directly to swaps. If you wish to put a particular one in the club store, please let Neko know.

  12. Club Shop - items are sold at a reduced SS price and are updated regularly to make sure that they are competitive prices. Items donated to the club are often moved here unless there is another place for them i.e. raffles, game prizes, etc.

  13. Raffles & Quizzes - we have raffles, quizzes and other activities in our club.

    • Default Raffle Feature: currently broken.

    • Quizzes: another automatic club feature! Anyone can make a quiz using items donated in the club. Simply go to the top of the main club page, right hand side and click "Quiz". The items that you can use will be displayed. You can donate an item and then use it as well. Please make sure that no item used in a "Quiz" is worth more than 300k on SS. Once a quiz is made, anyone can take part to guess the answer!

    • Club-specific Raffles: currently there is only one of these and it's the LE Pet Raffle. You can get more information on our Activites page.

  14. Club History - on the extreme top right hand corner of the main club page you will find a link stating "History". This is where everything pertaining to the club is logged! You can see MP Donations, Quiz/Raffle Winners, Swap Information, Shop Sales and Item Donations! This helps ensure our transparency!